Well Checks at Arizona Pediatrics

It is important that your child be evaluated by a qualified health care provider on a regular basis. Given below is a schedule of well child checks with recommended immunizations and screening tests at that visit.

Well Child Checks and Immunization Schedule at Arizona Pediatrics

Age of Child Immunizations/Tests
Birth (Hospital) Hepatitis B
Newborn Follow Up (1-2 days after hospital D/C)  None
1 week  None
2 weeks    2nd Newborn Screen
1 month   None
2 months DTaP, IPV, Hepatitis B ,Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus
4 months   DTaP, IPV, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus
6 months  DTaP, IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus
9 months  Lead screen and Hemoglobin
12 months   MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A #1
15 months DTaP, Hib, Prevnar
18 months  Hepatitis A #2
2 years None or Catch Up Shots (If Needed)
3 years None or Catch Up Shots (If Needed)
4 years-5 years DTaP, IPV, and MMR, Varicella
9 years Gardasil Vaccine (optional for girls)
10 years  TdaP
11 years  Menactra, Gardasil (girls only)
6 months and older Preservative Free Influenza Vaccine

Additonal Information

  • Children less than 9 years of age receiving Influenza vaccine for the first time get 2 doses, one month apart. Flu shots are given every fall/winter.
  • A minimum interval of 6 months is required between the 2 doses of Hepatitis A Vaccine.
  • For older children, an additional dose of Hepatitis B vaccine may be required if the 3rd dose was given under 24 weeks (6 months) of age.
  • The Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine is recommended for girls aged 9 years and above. It is a set of 3 doses. There is an interval of 2 months between the 1st and 2nd doses, and 4 months between the 2nd and 3rd doses.
  • TB skin testing only done in children considered at high risk for TB exposure.
  • WCC is recommended annually by the American Academy of Pediatrics after age 5 years.
  • Urinalysis, Blood Pressure checks, vision and hearing screen are done in children aged 4 years and older.
  • Other specific screening tests such as cholesterol and diabetes screening are done based on family history, and risk factors found on history and physical examination findings.